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» » Celebrity Yoga Guru Gurmukh : Why Stars Love My Style of Teaching
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Celebrity Yoga Guru Gurmukh Explains Why Cindy Crawford, Demi Moore, Miranda Kerr and More Stars Love Her Style of Teaching

Gurmukh, a teacher of Kundalini yoga teacher and pioneer of pre-natal yoga, has attracted a roster of A-listers including Cindy Crawford, Demi Moore, Miranda KerrGwyneth PaltrowCourtney LoveAl PacinoRussell BrandRosanna Arquette and more to her practice and there’s a reason why. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Kundalini, it’s a type of yoga with fans like Britney SpearsGisele Bundchen and Jennifer Aniston to name a few. Kundalini differs from vinyasa style or hatha yoga and incorporates repetitive movements like moving your arms up down while using specific breathing techniques, holding postures and chanting mantras.

Gurmukh sat down with Us Weekly on Thursday, May 23, at a Kundalini event hosted by Alo Yoga in L.A. to benefit the Manjushree Tibetan Orphanage and revealed why celebrities love her style of teaching.

To Gurmukh, it’s more than a mindful workout. “It’s a science that can bring you to your own better health, more happiness and more wholeness and it works,” she says.

Kundalini is said to help in all areas of life from the body to the mind. “People leave my classes feeling peaceful, happy, light and are laughing and carrying on,” Gurmukh adds.

As for why celebrities are attracted to it: “They feel like they can be themselves. So much of the entertainment industry makes people think they have to put on a show. When you sit down on the mat and you tune in and do Kundalini yoga, you can say, ‘I am who I am. I feel good about that’ without all of that outside debris.”

While it may sound intense, Gurmukh says her main goal is to have a good time with yoga. “My style is that I like to have fun. I like to make sure that people have fun in their heart and have laughter and joy. I take the seriousness, competitiveness and comparative-ness out of it,” she tells Us. “It’s not about getting to level 2, 3 or all of that. We just do yoga for ourselves.”

If you’re just getting into yoga, the 76-year-old reveals you can start off slowly and ease into it. “You can have long or short meditations, but the basic thing is just to say ‘Thank you. I got up this morning. What can I do to help this world and to bring peace and joy to this world and to myself?’”

Gurmukh’s daily routine? “I get up before the sun comes up and I light a candle. …I feel my happiest and most peaceful pretty much all day long. It doesn’t go away.”

References: usmagazine

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